Student Records Guidelines
Version 1 – September 2010
· Federal and provincial privacy and information sharing legislation shall be followed in the creation, maintenance and use of all student records.
· Records Retention and Disposal Guide for Saskatchewan School Divisions shall be followed in the retention and disposal of all student records.
· Student records are created and maintained for educational relevancy.
· The Cumulative Folder shall be the official working record for students currently enrolled in Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
· The Cumulative Folder is the property and responsibility of the GSCS Board of Education while the student attends school in this school division.
· To support smooth transitions and to ensure that students have the best possible opportunities for success, the Cumulative Folder shall be transferred as soon as possible after a student enrolls in a new school.
Types of Records
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools shall maintain four types of records:
1. Cumulative Folders (CUM) will contain the educationally relevant information for all students,
2. Student Service Files for students who access specific support services,
3. Permanent Record Cards, and
4. Attendance Registers (School Registers).
1. Cumulative Folder
The CUM folder shall contain the following information when applicable. The information may be on or in the folder.
o the student’s name as registered under The Vital Statistics Act, 1995 or, if the student was born in another jurisdiction, the student’s name as registered in that jurisdiction,
o other names by which the student is known,
o the birth date and gender of the student,
o the student’s provincial Learning Identification Number (LID),
o the name(s), address(es) and telephone number(s) of the student’s custodial parent(s) or guardian(s),
o the names of other parents/guardians who may have custody orders that restrict access to their child or the child’s personal information,
· New Canadian registration information
· Behavioural Incident Reports (not including suspension reports) may be included if deemed educationally relevant. To be removed when no longer relevant.
· Other educationally relevant information as supplied by parents/guardians (including 3rd party reports from outside agencies)
ü a student whose parents or guardians are in attendance when access is granted;
ü a parent or guardian of a student where the student is dependent on the parent or guardian,
ü a student who is eighteen years of age or older,
ü a student who is sixteen years of age or older and living independently,
ü duly authorized officers of the Ministry of Education,
ü school officials designated by the board of education or education authority,
ü a youth worker, as defined in the Youth Criminal Justice Act, who requests access for purposes of that Act; and,
ü third parties where written authorization for information release is obtained from the parents or guardians of students seventeen years of age or younger or from the student eighteen years of age or older. Letters of authorization for information release shall be retained in the file.
In circumstances involving custody arrangements, it should be assumed that both parents have equal access to the information unless a written order has been submitted to “prove” which parent has or does not have access to the student information. A copy of the most recent custody order should be in the file. Custody orders, on occasion, state that a parent cannot have access to the child. This does not necessarily mean they cannot have access to the student’s information (unless that is stated in the order).
Legislation demands that the contents of the CUM folders are to be kept at a minimum until 3 years after the student turns 22. Division protocol indicates that the CUM folder will be kept until the student turns 30 years of age.
Annual Review :
The principal is responsible for managing annual updates to the CUM and removing unnecessary and outdated information (no longer educationally relevant). The review may be delegated as deemed appropriate. A review should also occur upon transfer out of the CUM folder. Culled information should be destroyed (not recycled). Records such as registration information, progress reports, referral documents, etc. should not be removed.
Storage must be such that it provides reasonable protection to the information – locked file cabinets or a locked file room for example and they must remain on-site.
File Movement:
Internal Movement: (Within Division)
· CUM folder shall be forwarded through inter-school delivery upon receiving notification of registration at the new school.
· Upon receipt of the Cumulative folder, the receiving school updates the location of the Cumulative folder in the MAT.
· Upon transition to grade 9, all CUM folders are to be forwarded to the receiving high school the last week in June of their grade 8 year.
· At the beginning of each school year, un-requested CUM folders will remain at the school for 1 academic year after which time they will be forwarded to the division office for storage.
· CUM folders for students who graduate from high school are to be stored on-site at the high school.
External Movement: (Outside of Division but within the city)
· The new school where child is attending completes a request form, similar to the one in Appendix A of this document, to request the student’s Cumulative folder from the student’s previous school. The SDS provides an indicator of the last location of the student’s Cumulative folder.
· Upon receipt of the Cumulative folder, the school updates the location of the Cumulative folder in MAT.
External Movement: (Outside of Division, outside the city but within the Province)
· The new school where child is attending completes a request form, similar to the one in Appendix A of this document, to request the student’s Cumulative folder from the student’s previous school. The SDS provides an indicator of the last location of the student’s Cumulative folder.
· Upon receipt of the Cumulative folder, the school updates the location of the Cumulative folder in the MAT.
External Movement: (Out of Province/Country)
· The original CUM folder is to remain in the province housed at the last school attended for the period of 1 academic year and then sent to the Division office for storage.
· A copy of the contents may be provided to parents as they leave and then it is their responsibility to share the contents with the receiving school.
· A receiving out of province school may request a copy according to their jurisdiction’s guidelines. A copy may be forwarded; however, confidentiality of the information needs to be maintained. It is preferable to have the parents receive a copy of contents prior to departure.
2. Student Services File
If a student requires the involvement of Student Services, a file will be created and will be housed at the board office. A flag sheet will be completed and inserted into the CUM folder. See Appendix B. A parallel copy of this information may be housed in the LAT file. See LAT/School File below.
May contain the following when applicable:
- Separate process to be followed for sharing these outside the division
· Third party reports (KCC, medical, etc.) copy kept here with a copy to the school as well for the LAT File.
ü a student whose parents or guardians are in attendance when access is granted,
ü a parent or guardian of a student where the student is dependent on the parent or guardian,
ü a student who is eighteen years of age or older,
ü a student who is sixteen years of age or older and living independently,
ü duly authorized officers of the Ministry of Education,
ü school officials designated by the board of education or education authority,
ü a youth worker, as defined in the Youth Criminal Justice Act, who requests access for purposes of that Act, and,
ü third parties where written authorization for information release is obtained from the parents or guardians of students seventeen years of age or younger or from the student eighteen years of age or older. Letters of authorization for information release shall be retained in the file.
In circumstances involving custody arrangements, it should be assumed that both parents have equal access unless a written order has been submitted to “prove” which parent has or does not have access to the student information. A copy of the most recent custody order should be in the file. Custody orders, on occasion, state that a parent cannot have access to the child. This does not necessarily mean they cannot have access to the information (unless that is stated in the order). Release of psychological reports are only shared by written informed consent.
Legislation demands that the contents of the Student Services file be kept at a minimum until 3 years after the student turns 22. Division protocol indicates that the Student Services file will be kept until the student turns 30 years of age.
The Student Services file will be housed at the Board Office and in a manner that provides reasonable protection of the information (e.g. locked file room or locked cabinets).
File Movement:
Internal movement: (Within Division)
· Appropriate staff working at schools within GSCS may have access as needed to the information. Teachers involved in the transition should share the appropriate information with the receiving school.
External Movement: (Outside of Division but within the city and/or province)
· Upon receiving informed consent, a copy of the contents will be forwarded to the receiving party.
External Movement: (Outside of the Province/Country)
· Upon receiving informed consent, a copy of the contents will be forwarded to the receiving party.
LAT File/School File:
School-based special education teachers should keep a working/parallel file at the school for their use that contains these elements. Storage of the LAT file must be such that it provides reasonable protection to all parties. Access to this file is the same as for the Student Services File and is described above. If a student transfers within the division or upon transition to grade 9, this school file may be shared with the receiving school special education staff. If a student leaves our division, the contents of this file may be destroyed shortly thereafter.
3. Permanent Record Card
Legislation states school divisions are to complete a Permanent Record Card for each student updating the information on the card annually. (e.g. general achievement, attendance….) These Permanent Record Cards are to be kept in perpetuity. The Permanent Record Card is to be housed at the school where the child is attending. When the child leaves a school and goes to another school within our division, the card will follow the student. When a child transfers out of our division, the card will be housed at the school until the end of the school year and then it will be forwarded to the Board Office for storage. When a student graduates from high school, the card will be sent to the Board Office at the end of June for permanent storage.
4. Attendance Registers
Legislation states that school divisions are to complete Attendance Registers (School Registers) for each and every classroom within their division. At the end of the school year in June, the hard copy is to be submitted to the board office for storage. To facilitate file retrieval in the future, a cover sheet shall be attached for each classroom Attendance Register to clearly identify the school year, school, classroom, and teacher. See Appendix D
Appendix List
Appendix A - Request CUM Folder
Appendix B - Student Services Flag Sheet
Appendix C - Request Confidential Information
Appendix D – Attendance Register Cover Sheet
Appendix A
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Request for Transfer of Cumulative Folder
The following student has enrolled in our school.
Student Name: ______________________________________________
Birth Date: ________________ (yr) ________________ (mo) _______________ (day)
Name of Parents/Guardians: ________________________________
We are contacting you at the address below to request the transfer of the Cumulative Folder.
Sending (Former) School Address:_____________________________________________
Sending (Former) School Principal: ________________________________________
Please send the Cumulative Folder to the following address:
Receiving School Address: ______________________________________________
Receiving School Principal: ______________________________________________
Receiving School Phone Number: ___________________________________________
Date of Request: _________________________________________
Appendix B
Information on the following student is held at the board office of Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools. This information is related to supplementary student services provided by the division. In order to access this information, signed parental consent is required. Please have the parent/guardian/student complete the release below and mail or fax a copy of the form to the following address:
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools: Student Services Department
420 – 22nd Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada S7K 1X3
Phone: 306.659.7047 Fax: 306.659.2010
Student Name: ________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________(yr) ___________________ (mo) _________________ (day)
Present School: ________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian (print): ________________________________________________________
Date this flag sheet was created: _________________________________________________
For Release of Information: please complete the appropriate section below:
A. For students under 18 years of age: I, ____________________________________(signature), parent/guardian of the above named student authorize Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools to release the information contained in the supplementary student services record to the school/agency/person named below. |
B. For students 18 years of age or over: I, ____________________________________(signature), the above named student authorize Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools to release the information contained in the supplementary student services record to the school/agency/person named below. |
Release the information to:
School/agency/person name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: __________________________________________________________________
Phone/Fax number: ____________________________________________________________
*** Please create additional copies in blue
Appendix C
Request of Confidential Information Form: see GSCS website
Appendix D
St. Paul’s R.C.S.S.D. No. 20
Teacher: ______________________________________________________________
(Print Name in Full)
Saskatchewan Certificate Type & No. : ______________________________________
Teacher Signature: ______________________________________________________
Teacher: ______________________________________________________________
(Print Name in Full)
Saskatchewan Certificate Type & No. : ______________________________________
Teacher Signature: ______________________________________________________
Principal: ______________________________________________________________
(Print Name in Full)
Principal Signature: _____________________________________________________
Fire Drills were conducted on the following days |
Time |
Lock Down conducted on the following days |
Time |